Tucson Youth Summer Camps

Join us in Northwest Tucson for fun, safe, and affordable summer camps! From ninjas to firefighters, team games to extravagant messes, we’ve got eight weeks of camp optionsfor everyone - no gymnastics skills required.

Our Tucson-area camps offer flexible options, including full-day, half-day, single-day, and full-week camp experiences. Each camp features themed activities, crafts, games, and dedicated time in our studio gym. Don't miss out on the ultimate camp experience in Tucson!

Upcoming Summer Camps at Heart & Soul Kids Oro Valley

Camp Pricing

We like to make camp as easy as possible for you! Choose a schedule that fits your family's needs best: full-day, half-day, full-week, and single-day options are available. 

Spring Break & Summer Camp Pricing 2025

Full Day/Full Week | 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM | $345

Full Day/Single Day | 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM | $77

Half Day/Full Week | 8:30 AM – 12 PM or 12:30 – 3:30 PM | $235

Half Day/Single Day | 8:30 AM – 12 PM or 12:30 – 3:30 PM | $54

Before care (7:30 AM - 8:30 AM) for $10 per kid/day and after camp (3:30 PM - 5:30 PM) care for $20 per kid/day is currently only available at Heart & Soul - Oro Valley.

Please double check your child is able to join us for camp before registering as we are unable to offer refunds on camps at Heart & Soul Kids.

The $50 annual membership is for the entire family, and automatically processes every year on September 1st, when enrolled in classes, camps, or activities at Heart & Soul Kids.

If you enroll in a camp after September 1st, your annual membership will be prorated accordingly. Families who are currently enrolled in classes with us will not be charged an additional membership fee.

 “Camps at Heart & Soul are always such a life saver for me as a mom and they provide an incredibly fun time for my son!”

- Miranda, Instagram

  • No! All summer camps are open to the public. Come play with us!

  • Campers as young as four years old can join us! Children must be independent in the restroom.

    If your child is a napper, we recommend booking a half-day option as Heart & Soul Kids does not have the facilities to provide a nap time.

  • There are no refunds or credits given for camps or events.

  • Yes! All snacks, lunches, and drink must be brought from home. Heart & Soul does not provide snacks or meals.

    We ask that you send two nourishing snacks and a nut-free lunch for the day. Pack more than you think your child will eat, we work up an appetite having fun!

    We are a nut-free camp! We try our best to accommodate all kids at camp, so that means campers should leave food with nut products at home.

  • Our studios are the cleanest! We pride ourselves on providing a quality experience for our families, and that means that both facilities are professionally cleaned and disinfected 7 days a week.

    On top of those cleaning procedures, our teachers and events specialists clean throughout the day ensuring that everyone has an excellent experience in our studios.

  • By registering your child for a camp you are giving Heart & Soul permission to photograph and/or videotape your child for publicity purposes. Images and videos are used only by Heart & Soul and are not sold. If you do not want your child photographed/videotaped please let us know when registering for camp.

  • Form fitting, comfortable, and easy-to-move in athletic wear for all participants. No baggy clothing, dresses, skirts, clothing with buttons, or jewelry. Time spent in the gym will be barefoot!

    • If they’re a full day camper pack a healthy, hearty lunch with their name clearly labeled on the box. We suggest packing an ice pack too.

    • 1 labeled snack for half-day kids and 2 labeled snacks for full-day kids.

    • A water bottle with their name clearly labeled on the side.

    • A change of clothes in a bag. Please put initials on the labels.

    • Sunscreen with their name clearly labeled

    • Shoes that your child can get on and off independently. 

  • It can be hard when kids bring items from home. They can get lost or damaged, which takes away from the experience of an exciting camp. Please do not let your child bring the following to camp:

    • Toys/games

    • Electronics

    • Jewelry 

    • Stuffed Animals

    • Books

    • Legos

    If a personal belonging does make its way to camp, we will keep it safe until your camper leaves for the day.

Frequently Asked Camp Questions

Want help choosing the perfect camp?